Time is Money

Cost Efficiency

“Time is Money” – Benjamin Franklin 1748

“Remember that time is money.

He that can earn ten shillings a day by his labour, and sits idle one half of that day,

though he spends but sixpence during his idleness, it ought not to be reckoned the

only expense; he hath really thrown away five shillings.”


OK – We have ascertained that a labourer bumming around in 1748, cost 5 shillings per day in efficiency. Today, on modern Building Projects, a day lost often runs into thousands of dollars in labour costs, hire charges and possibly Liquidator Damages.

In fact we believe that a day saved is worth twice as much.

Thermacoustic TC 417 spray applied thermal insulation, and its high class sister product AF90, are rapidly installed – often at the rate of 200m2/ day.

Cost Eff 03Even quicker installation times may be achieved by having dual crews working 2 shifts. As the ceiling or final surface finishes cannot be put in prior to the application of the thermal / acoustic insulation coating, our trade is considered critical. Hence rapid and prompt installation allows the following trades to flow on.

Costt Eff 04 In addition the spray thermal / acoustic insulation can be applied after hanger rods and some non intrusive services have been preinstalled. This is a boon for the trades that lead to lower costs.

“Time saved is Money” – Yanick Pierce 2014